Tuesday, February 5, 2008

14. The New Supreme Court (by Zong Lun)

The supreme court of Singapore moved from the old building to the new building in June 2005. Its official opening was on January 7, 2006 by none other than our own president, Mr S. R Nathan. The building itself is eco-friendly as it uses natural light and makes maximum usage of artificial light at night. The circular disc, which represents the impartiality of justice, is a modern interpretation of the dome of the old Supreme Court building.

In my opinion, the disc looks alot like a set from Men in Black (MIB) where aliens living secretly on earth have built a huge UFO disc hidden and incorporated into the design of a build. =)

But jokes aside, being a public building we were disappointed that we could not take direct photo shots with the building and the court lack much of the feel of the older building which bring about justice. I guess maybe more traditional symbols of justice should have been incorporated into the building. Other than that, it really looks like another ‘Esplanade’ class of building. We got the durians and now we have a space ship. I think the new national stadium is really going to push the limits for all designers... Haha...

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